Digital Media

Art 257

Digital Media Mr. Bickus    (224) 653-3211

Course Description:

Computer Multimedia will cover the broad spectrum of computer media design from concept to creation. Students will complete computer art projects using professional programs and applications found in the business community. Each student will develop a body of work consisting of image processing, Multimedia Design, 2-D/3-D animation, and layout design. Students will gain insight into computer technology careers and society’s use of computers as a means of visual communication.

What to expect:

This class is built as an introduction course to industry standard programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, and Imageready to name a few. The class will teach the key concepts which are needed to enter the digital design and graphics studies. We will look at professional design examples as well as fine artists work who use computers to create their work. In addition, critique sessions will be used to discuss our design and concepts.

Mac Lab Rules:

1. No digital devices are to be used in class ( i.e MP3 players, cell phones, etc…)

2. Be sure all equipment is used properly and any problems are reported immediately.

3. Any equipment you use/borrow, make sure it gets back in the same condition you checked it out in.

4. No food in the classroom. Drinks are acceptable as long as they are not spilled. (No drinks/food near computers!!!)

5. Keep your belongings clear also neither of us trips on them. Some of the aisles are pretty tight within the classroom.

6. No web surfing at leisure,

7. You must have permission to print!

8. Stay at your seats until the bell rings

Due Dates, homework, and grades:

Due dates for projects will be assigned based on time needed for completion of projects. Projects are expected to be turned in on time or be subjected to reduction of one letter grade per week the project is late. Extended work time will be on a case by case basis and must be worked out with me.

Homework assignments will be accepted only up to one day late with a one letter grade reduction applied to the assignment (Outstanding circumstances aside)

Grades will be based on homework assignments, sketchbook assignments, any quizzes and tests which are part of the class, daily participation/work checks, and final project assignments. You will see a grading rubric for most projects. Grades should be given to you/posted within a week of the due date/turn in.

Grading scale:

MEETING (3)----
FAILING (0)-----

Projects and homework: 70% of quarter grade

Participation and Growth : 30% of quarter grade

Optional supplies:

  • Any digital cameras, camcorders, tripods, etc.. that you wish to purchase and use are helpful and recommended. You do not have to purchase these items We also have items that can be checked out with parent consent.
  • One 1 inch 3 ring binder to keep prints, handouts, artwork etc. inside of. This may be stored in the classroom. You will need this by the beginning of the second week on Monday.
MAC Steup Demo
How to create a new Photoshop document
                                              How to use Layers, Selections, and Brushes

Digital Democracy:

What: A new district advisory committee that consist of students and teachers that focus on “digital democracy”.

They will be working throughout the year to help educate all stakeholders on digital citizenship and safety.

They are looking to create a logo that will represent the group.

Here are the declarative statements the students developed:


1.    Think before posting.

2.    Abide by classroom technology expectations.

3.    Use personal social apps and games outside of class time.

4.    Ask before you share pictures, take video or record another person.

5.    Be original, be honest, avoid cheating.

6.    Remember, your iPad is school issued. Keep it clean.

Your task:  Create 3-4 logo designs (can be similar, but must be somewhat different) that convey and communicate the ideas of the group.  You may use any program (Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Painter) to create the design.  You should include the text or letters for “digital democracy” but may also include other drawings or images as well.

How to export your Final Cut Video:

Your assignment:  Short Film assignment 


                                                                             Due Wed 4/29  25 points

What is it:  Choose a word from the list to make a short 1:00-1:30 in length film or choose a simple object to make a basic storyline based film about.

When:  Start filming this week/this weekend.  Have some footage by Tuesday May 6th. Final film due TBA.  No exceptions.

Things to consider:  Film angles, storyboard/shots and scenes, and cutaways.  Music.  How will you convey an idea with the footage.  Does not have to include spoken parts.

Filming:  You may check out cameras from me, the AV department, and use i-pads (please film horizontally).  We also have tripods for checkout.

Questions for you:

What will you be making your film about?

How will you illustrate the word chosen or communicate a storyline?

What sorts of things will you film?

Where will you film?

What will the visuals look like after editing (filters, effects)?  What will the final edit look like?  What kind of music do you think might be best to communicate your idea or mood?

Words to consider for video theme

Evil                                         Fear                                        Apathy                                  Grieving

                Hopeless                                Censored                               Ignorant

Hope                                      Sloth/Laziness                      Confusion                             Insanity                 Manic

                Heroic                    Powerful                                Savior                                    “Icon”

“Big Brother”                                       Martyr                                   Hidden                                   Captive

                                Silenced                 Identity                  Lost                        Empty                    Betrayal

Rebel                      Awkward                               Political                                  Fake                                       Self-loathing

                Sacrifice                                Outcast                  Equality                                 Renegade

Freedom                                Rich                                        Poor                        Fail                         Segregation

                “Zombie”                              Torn                                       Fame                                      Disgust

Tyrannical                            Apocalyptic                          Power                     “dream”                Betrayed

                Loss of trust                          Irresponsible                         Grotesque                              Assimilated

Jealousy                                Narcissistic                            Segregated                            Pain                        “Freak”

                Struggle                  Greed                     Lost        Deception/deceptive           Grotesque

Naïve                                     Purpose                  Leader                                   “Follower”               Epic

                Alone                                     Grievous                Found                    Gluttonous            Control/Loss of

Found                    Trapped                 “exclusive”                           Outsider                                 Thieving

                Mischievous                                         Devious

How to make a kinetic text video demonstration: 

Final Cut Pro Quiz 4/10/14:

First start a new project.  You can work from an existing event, just make sure you know where you are importing everything.

1. Seperate a video from it's audio.  Delete the audio, and download a new track for your audio

2.  Download a video, and create a split screen with atleast 3 screens using that video as well as others.

3. Use atleast 3 filters on the above two requirements

4.  Using the compositing function, layer two or more videos on top of one another, and change the opacity and the blend mode

5. Place two clips next to one another and use a transition

6. Place text that sais "Bickus, you the man!" over black screen (Your choice of text)

7.  Keyframe a video clip to spin in.

8.  Keyfram a video clip to go from color to black and white over the course of 7 seconds.

9.  Export your video as an h.264 file

Illustrator Tracing demonstration:

How to make your own brushes tutorial video:

Pop Self Portrait Requirements:

* Create two pieces (one focusing on symmetrical composition, the other on asymmetrical composition)
* Focus on color/colorscheme, repetition, composition, contrast,
*Use at least 3 images of yourself in each piece.  That is a minimum, more will probably be needed, or created.
* Size could be 8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17".  Your choice, vertical or horizontal.

New Tools used:
Smudge, rotation and mirroring, filters, Image>Adjustments

Continue to use:
Move tool, selections, Command keys and hot keys

Andy Warhol, WK Interact, Shepard Fairey, David Choe, Ron English

Optical Art Requirements:

Digital Media First Project

      1 piece must include:

11-  Atleast one of your optical art pieces
  2-  Atleast 4 images from the web (these can be edited further in Photoshop)
  3-  Atleast use of 1 filter
  4-  Atleast use of 1 Layer style

2  Another piece should show experimentation with selections and fills using selections (magic wand) and fills such as paint bucket and the gradient tool

Optical Art Tutorials:

2nd Semester: How to turn projects in Video Demo


Environmental Concept Illustration

Using the basics of Corel Painter and your own unique perspective on design, you will be creating an Environmental Concept Illustration piece.

1.       Consider starting out just sketching some shapes and ideas.  Basic shapes and designs.

2.      Start to think about what you are seeing or intending to draw and begin to refine it. 

3.      Try out different brushes and intensity’s of your brushes for unique looks.

4.      Mess around with layering and collapsing of layers to promote atmospheric feels to the piece.

5.      Use color and detail to refine your piece. 

6.      There is no right or wrong answer to the piece, experiment and use the assignment as a learning activity.  Relax and create something interesting.

The following link has images and links to a quick helpful read on the topic of the assignment.


Final Cut Quiz Assignment:

Using existing video files, please create a video with/using the following techniques and tools.  This will be graded on Tuesday.

1.          Combine atleast two video clips within the video cutting and mixing and matching using your blade tool

2.         Remove audio from one clip and add audio from another clip or an mp3

3.         Use atleast 3 effects

4.         Use atleast 2 transitions

5.         Use the transform function and layering to create a split screen

6.         Slow down one clip to 50%, speed up one clip to 150%, and reverse one clip

7.         Layer up a clip over another and change the top clips Compositing blend mode.

8.         Add text in 2 spots to the video

9.         Match one clips color to another clip

10.      Insert a black video clip at one spot


Tutorial if finished with Surrealism piece


Zombie/Fantasy Portrait requirements
1. Inclusion of atleast 12 textures and/or images.
2.  Change of color scheme throughout image to unify the piece
3.  Background removed, new one added  (your choice)
4. Use of adjustment layers and layer masks.


Self-Collage Assignment Guidelines

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast 10 layers

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use blending modes once

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use layer styles once

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use filters 2 times

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.     <!--[endif]-->Separate all or majority of images from their backgrounds

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.     <!--[endif]-->Use Opacity

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.     <!--[endif]-->Include text

<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.     <!--[endif]-->Appropriate imagery

Consider placement of images and the overall design of the piece.

Art 257

Digital Media                         Mr. Bickus     847-755-3706

Course Description:

Computer Multimedia will cover the broad spectrum of computer media design from concept to creation.  Students will complete computer art projects using professional programs and applications found in the business community.  Each student will develop a body of work consisting of image processing, Multimedia Design, 2-D/3-D animation, and layout design.  Students will gain insight into computer technology careers and society’s use of computers as a means of visual communication.

What to expect:

This class is built as an introduction course to industry standard programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, and Imageready to name a few. The class will teach the key concepts which are needed to enter the digital design and graphics studies.  We will look at professional design examples as well as fine artists work who use computers to create their work.  In addition, critique sessions will be used to discuss our design and concepts.

Mac Lab Rules:

1. No digital devices are to be used in class ( i.e MP3 players, cell phones, etc…)

2.  Be sure all equipment is used properly and any problems are reported immediately.

3.  Any equipment you use/borrow, make sure it gets back in the same condition you checked it out in.

4.  No food in the classroom. Drinks are acceptable as long as they are not spilled.  (No drinks/food near computers!!!)

5.  Keep your belongings clear also neither of us trips on them. Some of the aisles are pretty tight within the classroom.

6.  No web surfing at leisure, 

7.  You must have permission to print!

8. Stay at your seats until the bell rings

Due Dates, homework, and grades:

Due dates for projects will be assigned based on time needed for completion of projects.  Projects are expected to be turned in on time or be subjected to reduction of one letter grade per week the project is late.  Extended work time will be on a case by case basis and must be worked out with me.

Homework assignments will be accepted only up to one day late with a one letter grade reduction applied to the assignment (Outstanding circumstances aside)

Grades will be based on homework assignments, sketchbook assignments, any quizzes and tests which are part of the class, daily participation/work checks, and final project assignments.  You will see a grading rubric for most projects.  Grades should be given to you/posted within a week of the due date/turn in.

Grading scale:

MEETING (3)----
FAILING (0)-----


Projects and homework: 70% of quarter grade

Participation and Growth : 30% of quarter grade

Optional supplies:

  • Any digital cameras, camcorders, tripods, etc.. that you wish to purchase and use are helpful and recommended.  You do not have to purchase these items  We also have items that can be checked out with parent consent.
  • One 1 inch 3 ring binder to keep prints, handouts, artwork etc. inside of.  This may be stored in the classroom.  You will need this by the beginning of the second week on Monday.

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