Video Animation

Illustrator Demos

Illustrator Basics: Pen tool

Past Student Stop Motion Examples


Final Cut Quiz Assignment:

Using existing video files, please create a video with/using the following techniques and tools.  This will be graded on Tuesday.

1.          Combine atleast two video clips within the video cutting and mixing and matching using your blade tool

2.         Remove audio from one clip and add audio from another clip or an mp3

3.         Use atleast 3 effects

4.         Use atleast 2 transitions

5.         Use the transform function and layering to create a split screen

6.         Slow down one clip to 50%, speed up one clip to 150%, and reverse one clip

7.         Layer up a clip over another and change the top clips Compositing blend mode.

8.         Add text in 2 spots to the video

9.         Match one clips color to another clip

10.      Insert a black video clip at one spot


Video Animation Words

1.       Must have a background

2.      Must have a scene change

3.      Must have a “nested animation”

4.      Must have a storyline that deals with your “random theme”

5.      Must have audio
6.  Should be around 10 seconds in time length

 Themes to choose from:

Chinese Food


Snail race


Lawn mowers

Evil teddy bears

Runny Noses

Running Late for School


Eight Ball, corner pocket

A Box of Chocolates

Worms in the Sun

Missing Socks

Mis-matched socks


Spoon fights

Mustard vs Ketchup

Zombie Chickens

Penguin Airforce

Kamikaze Hotdogs

Radioactive kittens


Mustache problems

Flame thrower comedy

Rock, paper, scissors

Flash animation tutorial for Friday.  Discusses tweens and animation basics in Flash.  Be sure you understand frames, onion skins, timeline and stage, as well as the different kinds of tweens and how to/when to use them.


Cinemegraph Assignment

* Create 3 different cinemegraphs
* One should include the use of a movie clip
* One should be a video you shoot yourself
* One should be a "meme" type of cinemegraph that is humorous and parodies something.

These will be due at the end of the hour on Thursday 9/19


Self-Collage Assignment Guidelines

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast 10 layers
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use blending modes once
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use layer styles once
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.     <!--[endif]-->Atleast use filters 2 times
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.     <!--[endif]-->Separate all or majority of images from their backgrounds
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.     <!--[endif]-->Use Opacity
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.     <!--[endif]-->Include text
<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.     <!--[endif]-->Appropriate imagery

Consider placement of images and the overall design of the piece.

Art 263

Video Animation                    Mr. Bickus     847-755-3706

Course Description:

The student will understand and apply the concepts of the art elements, design principles, and expressive qualities in time sequence based art such as video, animation, motion graphics, and interactive technology.

What to expect:

This class is built to get you to look outside of the 2D and 3D artwork (respectively) and into time lapse and interactive artwork.  We will start by learning some basic tools with the programs which will be used most and eventually move into 2D animation, stop animation, video, as well as web and other forms of interactive and time arts.  You will be challenged not only by the programs and technical knowledge, but also by the creative process which you will apply to your projects.

(Cameras and other equipment: please bring them if you have them!!!!)

Mac Lab Rules:

Here it goes, make sure you follow these lab rules and you’ll make it out alright. 

1.  Make sure you take care of all equipment, it is very expensive and I’m sure you don’t want the bill for it.  If there is vandalism, please tell me immediately so I know and you do not get blamed.

2.  Any equipment you use/borrow, make sure it gets back…… or else!  Be sure to check it out and back in properly and that it is in working condition.

3.  No food or drink near the computers!  Keep your belongings clear also neither of us trips on them, some of the aisles are pretty tight within the classroom.

4.  No web surfing at leisure,  if you want to listen to music that’s fine!!  If you want to catch up on last weeks television show or watch a movie trailer you’re going to have to wait until you get home.

5.  Please stay by your desk at the end of class, when you line up it makes me self-conscious.

Due Dates, homework, and grades:

Due dates for projects will be assigned generally towards the end of a project.  Some projects will be set from the beginning.  I will try and work with the class to make the due dates fair and make sure everyone has enough time.  This being said, you MUST be working during class on the project, research, etc… which is assigned.

Homework and/or assignments will be accepted late but with a reduced letter grade (Outstanding circumstances aside)

Grading scale:

MEETING (3)----
FAILING (0)-----


Projects and homework: 70% of quarter grade

Participation and Growth : 30% of quarter grade

Television/movie intros and bumpers

The House that Never Was

Assignment:  Create a Mock television Bumper, Television show intro, or a movie intro using Motion.  You may also use Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro as needed.  You may choose any existing television show , movie, or network or make up your own.

*Time length is 30 seconds.  You can go over or under this by 3-4 seconds.
* Must have at least 2 nested movements, character, animations, etc… (Optional....could be a background being nested as well)
* Must use text in some form (i.e. Actors names, television title (can design a logo), etc…
* You may use some existing footage/images, but they should be altered in some way to make them in some way original
* You must have a backing audio clip
*Use of either keyframing or the 3-D camera (or both)
*Experimentation with behaviors and filters

Motion tutorials and intros...

Motion getting started- basics, 3D, text

3D Intro

Generators and Particles


Motion Tracking and masks (really good)

Masks in Motion 5

Green screens in Motion

Green Screen Examples


Lighting effects

Camera Angle Videos and Examples  4-22-13

Top 20 filming techniques:


Stop Motion "storyboarding"

In a Word document....for each scene (as many as you want)  tell me about what will be happening, what will it look like, and any other notes you need.

EX: Scene 1:  1. What is the scene called?

                 2. What will be happening?

                  3.  Camera angles?

                   4 Other Notes?

Pre-Remix- example

Post-remix example (Anthony Burback)

(Adam Dyas...student example)

Remix Video Examples

Dub Step Kitty

Iverson Practice

nonono cat

nonono remix

David goes to the dentist

David remix

Scary snowman remix

Bob Ross remixed

Meme Remix

Stop Motion Examples- Stop Motion Project

T shirt wars

Western Spaghetti


Food fight

Post its


At home stop motion bikes etc…

Her morning elegance

Hanes…band animation

Day in the life stop motion

Cake animation

BLU muto


Flash “Meme” Animation Assignment

* Must utilize at least 4 layers of “nested” animations

* Must use a song or audio

* Must have at least one scene change

* Time length between 10-20 seconds

* Theme should be satirical, poke fun of popular culture, meme, random, ridiculous…. Ex: cats that have televisions for faces that show cat videos….. Ex: A vietnam vet-esque polar bear slinging rocket launchers that is angry about global warming….. An ice cream cone being chased by a flame thrower….A skunk battling an air freshener with tai kwon do…A world leader doing the harlem shake….

Examples to watch:

Garageband Tutorials


Using loops

Mixing a song

Check out the links and videos for some ideas for your progressive animation asignment and a look at the artist BLU

Cinemagraph Link

1 comment:

  1. I check these tutorials one by one. They helps me to understand about the motion and it provides me some interesting post that I have never share before. Thank you so much for sharing this article. cutout animation videos - VideoJeeves
